Writing A Ray Tracer in Go - Part 2
Updated: Thursday, December 16, 2021
This is part 2 of my journey to try and write a ray/path tracer in Go. Checkout part 1 here.
I’m roughly following the e-book Ray Tracing in One Weekend, but translating all of the code into Go.
In the previous post we covered how a path tracer works and got an image to display on the screen by blending red, green and blue into a cool looking gradient. This time around we’ll draw a sphere instead, but by actually sending rays into the scene and marking the pixels where they hit the object.
This is the first major step into building a fully functional path tracer. Lets get to it.
All of the code for this post can be found on my Github.
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Every ray/path tracer has one thing in common, a way to model a ray. A ray is defined as:
In geometry, a ray is a line with a single endpoint (or point of origin) that extends infinitely in one direction.
So, a ray has two parts: origin and direction.
We can model this in our code by defining a struct like so:
type Ray struct {
Origin, Direction Vector
Next, we need to be able to move along our ray either forward or backward. The function to allow us to do so is defined as: p(t) = A + t * B
where A is the ray origin, B is the ray direction, and t is a real number.
In code, this looks like:
func (r Ray) Point(t float64) Vector {
b := r.Direction.MultiplyScalar(t)
a := r.Origin
return a.Add(b)
This method takes in a t as a float64 and returns a position vector in 3D space, which is our new position on our ray.
Adding a Sphere
Now that we can define and move along a ray, we need to add the second piece of the puzzle, a sphere.
In geometry a sphere is defined as having a center and radius.
We can model this in Go with another simple struct:
type Sphere struct {
Center Vector
Radius float64
Now comes the fun part, adding the ability for a ray to determine whether or not it comes in contact with a sphere.
Intersecting with the Sphere
note: Math ahead. I had trouble remembering a lot of this from algebra/geometry class, so if like me you need a refresher, this link may come in handy.*
The book goes into greater detail, however the basic formula for determining if a point is on a sphere is as follows:
dot((p - C),(p - C)) = R * R
Where p is the point, C is the center of our sphere, and R is the sphere radius.
Now this is great, but we want to know if our ray p(t) = A + t * B
ever hits the sphere anywhere. So basically, is there any t for which p(t)
satisfies the sphere equation.
This corresponds to:
dot((p(t) - C),(p(t) - C)) = R * R
Which expands to:
dot((A + t * B - C),(A + t * B - C)) = R * R
Expanding and moving all terms to the LHS, we get:
t * t * dot(B, B) + 2 * t * dot(A-C, A-C) + dot(C, C)
Since this is quadratic, we can use the quadratic formula to solve for t. When solving the quadratic, there is the discriminant portion of the equation (b * b - 4ac
) which tells us the number of solutions.
If the discriminant is:
- positive - there are 2 real solutions
- negative - there are 0 real solutions
- zero - there is 1 real solution
All this boils down to the following method:
func (r Ray) HitSphere(s Sphere) bool {
oc := r.Origin.Subtract(s.Center)
a := r.Direction.Dot(r.Direction)
b := 2.0 * oc.Dot(r.Direction)
c := oc.Dot(oc) - s.Radius*s.Radius
discriminant := b*b - 4*a*c
return discriminant > 0
Adding Color
Now that we can determine if our rays hit our sphere, lets add some color. We want our image to show that when a ray does hit the sphere the pixel is marked red, and when they don’t, it shows up as a nice blue gradient.
Again the book goes into greater detail on how this is done, but I tried to comment the Color method as best I could:
func (r Ray) Color() Vector {
sphere := Sphere{Center: Vector{0, 0, -1}, Radius: 0.5}
if r.HitSphere(sphere) {
return Vector{1.0, 0.0, 0.0} // red
// make unit vector so y is between -1.0 and 1.0
unitDirection := r.Direction.Normalize()
// scale t to be between 0.0 and 1.0
t := 0.5 * (unitDirection.Y + 1.0)
// linear blend
// blended_value = (1 - t) * white + t * blue
white := Vector{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}
blue := Vector{0.5, 0.7, 1.0}
return white.MultiplyScalar(1.0 - t).Add(blue.MultiplyScalar(t))
Putting it All Together
After updating our code to use these new methods, running the program via go run *.go
yields the out.ppm file which gives us:
Note the jagged edges of the sphere, this is because we haven’t implemented anti-aliasing yet, so the pixel is either red or part of the background (there is no blending happening). We’re going to fix this in a later edition.
Well, that’s enough for now. Next time we’ll work on shading and add another object to the scene.
Update: Part 3 is available here: https://markphelps.me/posts/writing-a-ray-tracer-in-go-part-3/